An important update and information for patients
You may have noticed some changes in the procedures we take when you book and arrive for an appointment with us.
You will be asked some additional questions and we will ask you to take some extra precautions to reduce the possibility of transmission of infectious disease.
These measures have been necessary to keep you healthy and safe and to enable us to continue to provide excellent care for you and your families.
Your patience and cooperation has been appreciated.
We have developed some FAQs that we hope will be useful:
I am feeling severely unwell with a fever or flu like symptoms. What should l do?
lf it is an emergency and you are experiencing difficulty breathing, chest pain or an altered mental state call 000 for an ambulance.
If you have returned from overseas travel or been in contact with a case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days, please alert the ambulance service when you call.
I have symptoms of a respiratory tract infection or fever and I am worried about COVID-19. What should I do?
Contact Blamey Street Surgery and we can offer you a Telehealth appointment with your Doctor to assess your symptoms and determine if testing for COVID-19 is appropriate.
An alternative option is to contact the Murrumbidgee COVID-19 Hotline 1800 831 099. Or HealthDirect 1800 022 222.
lf you are mildly unwell and do not meet the criteria for COVlDl9 testing, we may advise you to stay at home until symptoms have resolved.
lf you are more unwell, or would like to see a doctor in person and you do not meet the criteria for COVID-19 testing then we can arrange a normal appointment with your doctor. You will be asked to remain in your vehicle and phone us to let us know that you have arrived. Your doctor will phone you on your mobile when they are ready to see you and we will ask that you apply a mask and hand sanitiser prior to entering the building.
If you do fit the criteria for COVID-19 testing, we can arrange for you to be assessed and tested in our COVID-19 Clinic, or arrange for testing elsewhere.
lf you are advised that you meet the criteria for COVID-19 testing, you will be required to isolate yourself until testing can be arranged.
On arrival for a COVID-19 Clinic appointment, we will ask you to remain in your vehicle and telephone reception to let us know of your arrival.
We will call you on your mobile when we have prepared for your arrival, and ask you to apply a mask and hand sanitiser and proceed to our COVID-19 Clinic, which is located in a separate area of the property and is not attached to our main building.
Please do not enter the Surgery.
I have arrived for my routine appointment but I have developed a fever or symptoms of a respiratory tract infection:
lf you have any symptoms we will ask you to wait in your vehicle and telephone reception on arrival.
Your doctor will call you on your mobile to assess your symptoms.
lf you do not fit the criteria for CoVID-19 testing, you will be asked to enter the building after applying a mask and hand sanitiser
It may be necessary to test you for COVID-l9, in which case you will be assessed in our dedicated clinic (see above)
I have returned from overseas travel:
lf you have travelled overseas you should quarantine yourself at home for14 days and monitor for symptoms. lf you develop symptoms you should contact the local public Health Unit. Assessment and testing can be arranged at Blamey street surgery, please call us in advance.
I have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19:
lf you have been in close contact with a confirmed case you should quarantine yourself at home for 14 days and monitor for symptoms. lf you develop symptoms you should contact the local public Health Unit. Assessment and testing can be arranged at Blamey Street Surgery, please call us in advance.
What are the current criteria for COVID-19 Texting?
The NSW Health criteria COVID-19 are continuously evolving. As of the 18/3/2O2O, the following people require testing:
Travellers from overseas with onset of respiratory symptoms or fever within 14 days of return
Close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases with respiratory symptoms or fever within 14 days of last contact
Symptomatic health care or residential care workers
People with symptoms in high risk settings (such as hospitals, aged care facilities, residential care facilities, boarding schools, cruise ships)
People with symptoms and reported links to settings where COVID-l9 outbreaks have occurred
ATSI People in rural and remote communities with symptoms
People without symptoms, do not need to be tested.
Can I have some more information about Telehealth Consultations?
We are pleased to be able to offer Telehealth appointments to our patients
A Telehealth appointment involves a telephone consultation with your doctor, who will be able to provide you with advice, routine prescriptions, pathology requests, and also referrals in some instances
Telehealth Consultations are eligible for a Medicare rebate in certain circumstances.
For patients who are ineligible for a Medicare rebate, we are still able to offer Telehealth Consultations at a private fee
Please contact reception to enquire or make a booking
What are some useful resources and contacts?
Murrumbidgee COVID-19 Hotline 1800 831 099
HealthDirect 18OO O22 222
Murrumbidgee Local Public Health Unit 1300 066 055